Women’s entrepreneurship has hit a media tipping point. The question is: Is it just a passing media fad that will soon be a blip on the radar screen, or is it actually a real, fundamental economic force that’s reshaping the world? I think it’s safe to say that it’s the latter. Women-owned entities in the formal sector represent approximately 37% of enterprises globally — a market worthy of attention by businesses and policy makers alike. While aggregated data is often challenging to find, the recent Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) found 126 million women starting or running businesses, and 98 million operating established (over three and a half years) businesses. That’s 224 million women impacting the global economy — and this survey counts only 67 of the 188 countries recognized by the World Bank. These entrepreneurs cross the spectrum of micro to high growth — from supporting life to creating wealth. They include hair salon owners, high tech vision...
Entrepreneurship is awesome! Along the way you will inevitably learn a plethora of things about yourself and what it takes to be successful in business. While many business challenges are common, there are unique lessons that women entrepreneurs will learn in business. Here are several lessons I’ve learned as a successful female entrepreneur and what every Gen-Y woman entrepreneur should know along the way: 1. Own your success. There are several things that, as a woman, you should never apologize for … at the top of that list is, your well-deserved success. The apologetic undertone of some women entrepreneurs is subtle, laced with an excuse, chocked up to ‘luck’ or a dismissed congratulatory pat on the back. Many of us aren’t outright asserting, “I’m sorry that I am successful,” but a lack of confidence and all of the above are bedfellows of the same notion. In fact, studies reveal what most of us already know – “If you think you hear women saying “I’m sorry” more than men,...